Managing stress during a pandemic

Dr. Hagopian was interviewed for a nice article on about how to relieve stress, especially during a pandemic.

Key takeaways:

  • Can you prevent the stressor? If it’s COVID-19, no. But if it’s something that you CAN address, hit it head on.

  • Exercise is key. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy but even 10-20 minutes 3-4 times per week of regular aerobic activity such as walking is a start to decreasing stress levels.

  • Right now, more than ever, social connection is imperative since humans are social creatures. Make sure you connect with friends, family, and loved ones because while many of us may be physically distant, we can still be socially close.

  • Other healthy life choices are also important, such as limiting processed foods and sugar, getting plenty of sleep, and maintaining a relaxation practice such as yoga or meditation or even just a couple of minutes every day of focused deep breathing.